Incentive Program Phase 4: New Era

2 min readAug 27, 2021

And Phase 3 Roundup

Phase 3 Roundup

For Phase 3, we set an ambitious goal of 500k FIL in the lending pool. If we get it, all depositors will share 250k HSM. Sadly, as Phase 3 is coming to the end in several hours, we still need another 90k FIL to meet the goal. But no worries, qualified depositors (with no less than 20 FIL in our lending pool) will still share 150k HSM according to their deposit amount and duration.

Meanwhile, our overall TVL in HashMix Lending Platform hits 500k FIL (lending pool + joint mining), which equals $36,229,462.52 USD. That’s an awesome achievement for a new lending platform launched less than two months ago. All credits to our great HashMix community!

The FIL token on HashMix Lending helped miners sealed 41 PiB storage power, which will rank 31st among all Filecoin nodes if it’s a node. And the depositors are enjoying the 20+% deposit APY plus HSM rewards!

HashMix Lending stats as of August 27

By the way, next week, we’ll send reward details to depositors who successfully participated in our first 3 phases. If you have any doubts about the reward after checking your mailboxes, please contact

Phase 4 Plan

The Incentive Program continues. We love to share our native token with our early adopters. In Phase 4, we decide to put more rewards in the pool with a longer event duration.

Duration: from August 27, 10:00 a.m. (EST) to September 24, 10:00 a.m., totally lasting for 4 weeks.

Max Reward Pool Size for Phase 4: 800k HSM token.

Reward Rule:

Total Deposited FIL >= 500k and < 750k, Reward Pool: 400k HSM

Total Deposited FIL >= 750k and < 900k, Reward Pool: 600k HSM

Total Deposited FIL >= 900k, Reward Pool: 800k HSM

Other rules remain the same: your deposit should be no less than 20 FIL and transferred to our lending pool!

Development Plan

For the past two months, we focused mainly on back-end logic optimization, and that part is pretty much finished by now. Starting from September, we’ll iterate our user interface, and bring more functionality to the platform, such as user dashboard and new mining products! Please stay tuned!


HashMix is not doing any airdrop or public sale events. The HSM token is not issued on any network at this point.

Welcome to ask anything in our channels!


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HashMix is a fully decentralized hash power tokenization and circulation platform. Empower hash power with NFT and DeFi tools!